本文引用自billlin888 - 生日快樂,Barcode
上圖是什麼?如果,問 40 年前的人,大慨很少人知道。但我們現在的人很熟悉了。是的,它就是 Barcode(條碼)!
今天早上看 7 號台晨間綜藝節目式的新聞 Sunrise 時,聽到記者說,今天是 Barcode 的 40 歲生日。我上網找一找資料,40 年前的今天,在美國 Ohio 州開始使用。
“Forty years ago today, a cashier at a Marsh Supermarket in Troy, Ohio, scanned a 10-pack of Wrigley's Juicy Fruit gum bearing an odd-looking set of alternating black and white lines. The barcode had been designed by IBM engineer George Laurer to help grocery stores track each piece of merchandise sold. With that first scan, the Uniform Product Code was born”.
當然,故事可以寫很多啦!但我有點懶,只要提出一個問題,如果沒這東西,我們現在的生活會怎樣?會有多 “慢”?多方便?多........?少點緊張?少點嗶嗶聲?少點..........?剩下的讓您自己寫吧!
我只要在此說一下:Happy Birthday, Barcode! For ~~~,he's a jolly good fellow ~~~